Sunday 4 July 2010

What do YOU think about the new Hollyoaks character?

What do YOU think about the new Hollyoaks character?

Hollyoaks has always been good at pushing boundaries and tackling tough subjects – now the show is tackling another controversial subject, Gender Identity Disorder. 23 year old actress Victoria Atkin is set to join the soap this August as Jasmine Costello, and teenager hiding a secret; it will emerge that Jasmine has a male alter ego known as Jason. Gender Identity Disorder – if you didn’t already know/guess – is the name for someone who’s born as one sex, but who desperately wants to be the other, and dresses up/acts like the opposite sex. We think this a very brave move from Hollyoaks, and it should raise lots of awareness for a little discussed topic, but we want your views on this new character – good idea or bad idea? Have your say below... 

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