Sunday 4 July 2010

Famous celebrity cougars – including the likes of Pamela Anderson and Janice Dickinson

Famous celebrity cougars – including the likes of Pamela Anderson and Janice Dickinson – are reportedly set to sex up the Big Brother house. According to News Of The World, show bosses are hoping to hop onto the cougar bandwagon and get an older female celebrity into the house.

The term ‘cougar’ generally means a woman, 40 years of age or older, who pursues younger men. The phrase came to prominence last year in the American sitcom Cougar Town, starring former Friends star Courtney Cox.
A BB source told the paper: “Pamela Anderson is one of the world’s most iconic women. She oozes sex appeal and feistiness.
“If we can manage to get her into the house it will be a real coup. The boys on the show won’t know what’s hit them – and we are certain it will make great television.
“Whatever happens a female celeb will be going in the house.”
Another name reportedly being talked about is Danish actress Brigitte Nielson. The insider added: “Whichever cougar we sign up to go into the house, you can be sure that it will liven up proceedings. They will be sexy, sassy and brash. Red-blooded Big Brother fans are in for a real treat

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