Friday 16 April 2010

Kate Gosselin: ‘I Won’t Lose My Kids’

Kate Gosselin: ‘I Won’t Lose My Kids’

This is one dance Kate Gosselin has grown tired of.

As she prepares to promote her book, I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith and Family, and competes on Dancing with the Stars, the mom of eight is facing another fight with ex-husband Jon Gosselin over custody and child support.

But as much as she dreads another round of legal skirmishes, she says that fear is playing no role.

"I'm not afraid I'll lose my kids," she tells PEOPLE in this week's issue, on newsstands Friday. "I won't lose my kids. We're glued together, as a package, and nothing, nothing, will stop me from being with my kids."

Claiming she's not spending enough time with her children because of her work demands, Jon is seeking primary custody – which Kate now has – and a re-evaluation of the $21,000 in monthly support payments he's ordered to make.

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